
The Transfer function facilitates two types of transfers: Transfer from Factory and Transfer Between Locations.

In the product inventory ledger, transfers from the factory are recorded through dedicated Goods Received Notes. To streamline the factory transfer process, we have merged the Factory Transfer Note (TFN) and the GRN into a single document.

The top section of the document is the TFN, initiated by factory personnel, while the lower section is the GRN, completed by warehouse personnel. To initiate a TFN, factory personnel must access the transfer table, click on "+New Transfer Note," and select "Transfer from Factory" to complete the Transfer Note form below.

The locational transfer process is similar to a factory transfer, but with the key difference being that the responsibility for carrying out the transfer falls on the personnel of the warehouse from which the item is being moved.

The GRN section for transfers can be found in the Action menu of the Transfers table. Here, warehouse personnel can acknowledge receipt of transfers by filling out and submitting the displayed form.

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