Product & Material Inventory Ledger

To add new materials or products to the inventory, click on the “Add” button located at the top right corner of the respective item ledger, and complete the forms displayed below. In this form, you can set the minimum level of each inventory item and specify when notifications should be sent.

Product Inventory Ledger

Material Inventory Ledger

The minimum level of inventory item refers to the threshold level or minimum quantity of a particular item that a business must maintain in their inventory at all times. This level is determined based on the average rate of demand for the item and the lead time required for the item to be restocked or replenished. The minimum level helps businesses avoid stockouts or backorders, which can negatively impact customer service and sales. It ensures that a business always has enough inventory on hand to fulfil customer orders and maintain a steady flow of operation.

To access documents related to the movements of an inventory item, simply click on the underlined numbers. This will prompt a pop-up window that displays relevant documents, including invoices for sales, GRNs for restocking, or TFNs for transfers from the factory.

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