Sales invoice migration refers to the migration of outstanding invoices in trade receivable accounts, which are invoices that have not been paid at the cut-over date.
To begin the migration process, go to the settings section and select "invoice migration." From the invoice migration page, select "download CSV sample file." Open the downloaded file in an appropriate application on your device and save it in a designated migration folder for editing.
Please ensure that you remove the sample data from the CSV file and fill in the respective columns with the required data. You may use the same references from the legacy system for invoices and customers. As you are migrating only the unpaid invoices for each customer, please indicate the "isPaid" column as FALSE, meaning the invoices are unpaid and outstanding at the cut-over date. Once you have finished editing the file, it is advisable to invite a checker to validate the entries. After validation, both you and the checker should sign off on the file and save it.

The next step is to upload the validated CSV file. To confirm the accuracy of the data presented in the file, click on "Confirm & Migrate All Data."
Upon uploading the CSV file, your customers' profiles will be updated, including the outstanding amounts from each customer represented by the uploaded invoices.
Please note that the total amount from the uploaded invoices will be posted on the Trade Receivables Account (code: CA100) in the general ledger as opening balance of the post migration financial period. It is crucial to ensure that the numbers are reconciled.